The purpose of Startup Moniteau is to encourage entrepreneurs to start and keep a business in Moniteau County. Through a series of events, local entrepreneurs will be exposed to resources that can help them take their business idea and turn it into an actual business. Startup Moniteau will consist of three distinct phases.
PHASE 1: Startup Moniteau Business Mixers
The first phase will consist of a series of business mixers to be held throughout Moniteau County. At these mixers, entrepreneurs will be introduced to organizations with resources that can help them make their business dream come true. The thought is to have at least one mixer in every community of Moniteau County.
PHASE 2: LaunchU
The second phase of this program will consist of plugging the entrepreneur into the Small Business Technology Development Center’s (SBTDC) LaunchU Program. Scholarships are available through MRED for up to 20 entrepreneurs to attend this 4-6 week course offered through the host of the SBTDC, State Fair Community College.
PHASE 3: Startup Pitch Competition and LaunchU Graduation
The third phase of this program will consist of a pitch competition where local entrepreneurs can pitch their business ideas to a panel of outside experts. Financial and business service incentives will be awarded to the top two entrepreneurs in the pitch competition. The financial incentive recipients will be required to use this as seed money to start their business in Moniteau County and keep it there for at least one year.

September 14, 2017 6-8 PM
Co-Mo Electric Cooperative 29868 Highway 5 Tipton, MO 65081
JOIN US for Burgers and Brats and let us introduce you to the resources that can help you make your business dreams a reality